PRESENTING YOUR BEST SELF – Are You Putting Your Best Self Forward?
I. Effectiveness and Life-Work Balance
Many executives and business owners come to us in a downward spiral of overwhelm, frustration and burn out.
What we do is help them to balance high level achievement, effectiveness and productivity with excellent physical, emotional & mental health.
II. Difficult Conversations
Many organizations come to us with declining morale and productivity. Ineffective communication is frequently at the root of these problems and communication is more difficult than most people think.
What we do is teach leaders principles, tools & techniques that help improve relationships through effective communication. Very simply, we help them to “Say what they mean, mean what they say, and not be mean when they say it”.
III. Excellent Presentations
Many organizations come to us with a poor presentation performance that is diminishing their reputation, misrepresenting their message and damaging their brand.
What we do is teach how to present in a way that aligns content, voice and body language and hence significantly improve the likelihood that your message will be understood precisely as you intended.
IV. Time Management
Many people come to us feeling that there is not enough time in a day.
What we do is help people clarify that they can Spend Time or Waste Time.
Wasting time means doing things you do not want to do or that do not serve you. Spending time means proactively allocating time to those things you consider to be important in your work & life.
• Successful High Level Executives and Business Owners with a “full plate” who are looking for Life-Work Balance
• Leaders who desire excellence in their Leadership Competency – particularly in the area of “Difficult Conversations” – this includes written and verbal communications with subordinates, peers and clients
• Leaders who wish to develop or improve their ability to deliver outstanding presentations or speeches
• Anyone who wants to be more balanced, effective and efficient in their Professional and Personal Time Management